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Monday, January 23, 2012

66th Anniversary of establishment of Mahabad Republic in University of Kurdistan Hewler

On the the 22nd January University of Kurdistan Hewler remembered the 66th anniversary of the establishment of first Kurdistan Republic in Mahabad.
On  22nd of January 1946, the Kurdistan Republic was declared in Iranian Kurdistan, led by Peshawa Qazi Muhammed. The Republic lived for 11 months, only to be crushed by the Iranian regime with the assistance of Soviet forces crushed the Republic and executed Peshawa Qazi. The few months of the Republic saw countless outstanding accomplishments, such as making Kurdish the official language of education, building an army which was named Peshmarga, having ministries of services, releasing several newspapers and magazines in Kurdish language and first groups of Kurdish girls attended school. Even though the life of the Republic was short, it remains  the greatest accomplishment in Kurdish history.

(UKH Auditorium )

The event was celebrated in the University’s Auditorium and was managed by the Student Union an attemded by staff, students and guests. The celebration started with a minute of silence in tribute to the spirits of  great Martyrs and  was followed by the Kurdish national anthem (Ay Raqib), and reading poems by students for the souls of martyrs. Also a documentary was shownwhich illustrated the main achievements of this Republic and which included the last words and advice of Peshawa Qazi. He advised the Kurds to be united among each other, which is the only way to destroy opponents.

(Reading Poems)
The University is dedicated to educating the young people of Kurdistan to be loyal to their homeland with lessons from the past.

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